October 25, 2014

Here are some words about a thing

"Aspiring journalist" Vandon Gene, approaching Anderson Cooper during live reports from Ottawa: Hey Anderson can I get a photo?

AC: No, I will not take a photo with you on a day where someone was killed! It seems wildly inappropriate!

VG: Oh alright, thanks a lot Anderson! (with exactly the tone you're imagining, yes) *loses goddamn mind on Twitter*

He says Anderson Cooper is "an ass" and "went on a rant." (I will point out that he posted a video of the conversation, and everything I typed above is the entire thing. I will also point out that in order to criticize Cooper's "rant," he spent 20 minutes ranting on Twitter about it.) Then he flips his shit about Cooper "exploiting Ottawa" because obviously a professional journalist doesn't cover these sort of events because it's, you know, their job. My favorite part of the "EXPLOITER!" whining is where he criticizes Cooper for having to fly to Ottawa whereas HE was "on the streets covering." "I was here during a lockdown while YOU flew here on a jet." Man, what an ass that Anderson Cooper guy is, not already living in Ottawa and having to travel to get there and not just using his DBZ Instant Transmission move, how dare he. The gall of going to where something happened instead of sitting in a comfy studio and doing everything by satellite, the sheer nerve of that.

Cooper took about two minutes to reply with every he needed to say about the stupid situation: "Dude, you were rude and asking for a selfie near where a soldier was killed. It was completely inappropriate. Think about it. I can't believe any station employs you, and if you want to be a journalist, learn how to behave when covering a story."

Kinda exactly what I'd have said.

I should note, obviously there are plenty of people on cable news, ESPECIALLY in the U.S., who I would absolutely believe were just out to exploit a tragedy for ratings. And I would love to see them called on it every damn time. And to an extent, any journalist covering any story could be seen as exploiting it. But maybe let's refrain from taking that position just for the sake of a temper tantrum against the few people we have who  still try to be class act professionals and do the job the right way?

I dunno, just my two cents on a dumb thing I was thinking about today.